Haunted Mansion Secrets

When I decided to go on the Haunted Mansion, I ran into one big problem–a short line.

Yeah, the short line was a problem.


Because a huge part of the queue was blocked off, and that’s totally worth taking pictures of.

The line is too short!!

So I’m going to cover a little secret spot.

There’s the horseless hearse

Reservations accepted! Apply at Ghost Relations.


Drawn by the horseless horse:

There's something about this that's exceedingly creepy


And then if you face the house, over on the right is a pet cemetery.

Yep, the animals have their own little spot of New Orleans Square right here!

You can’t see it–you have to ask–but then you’ll go down alongside of the house.

Is there really something back here?


And voila! It’s right up against Splash Mountain.

Just a few pets, not a lot.


This is Big Jake:

The basket is so festive, it's like I want to put a Santa hat on him or something


And our dear friend Stripey the skunk:

"You may be departed but your presence will always linger on"


The Haunted Mansion is all about the puns.

And there’s a toad and Miss Kitty, who died from a tragic snake bite.



This is a fun little extra, worth seeing at least once. It’s cute, and you can really impress your friends with your vast Disneyland knowledge when you show them that you know it’s there.



2 responses to “Haunted Mansion Secrets

  1. zephyradl April 23, 2012 at 10:06 pm

    That’s so cool!

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