Lights Here, Lights There, Lights And Lights Everywhere!

It’s the post you’ve all been waiting for–lights! Or to be more specific, lighting fixtures on Buena Vista Street.

I know you’re on the edge of your seat. You’ve probably already scrolled down to go straight to the pictures. It’s okay, I still love you.

But seriously, lights? Who cares?

Disney, that’s who.

In the children’s section

Corresponding with the above–sun and moon


I’ve talked a lot about detail on this blog. So obviously I’m going to…yeah, talk about detail some more.

But love is in the details; is it not? What do we love the most about people, or about places or things? The fact that Disneyland is a theme park, or that Disneyland is so full of lovingly curated details?

What’s really awesome about this fixture is not just the fixture itself, but the reflection it throws onto the ceiling.

Who looks up at Disneyland? I’ll admit it–not me. Not until I started this blog. I had NO IDEA that so many amazing things happen within 6-12 inches of the ceiling.


But people, I’m telling you, LOOK UP.

The rustic look of the fixtures coordinates nicely with the open-beam ceiling

What’s really fascinating and inspiring to me is that Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) pays just as much attention to the tiny little details that, let’s face it, the vast majority of guests are not even going to notice, as they do in the things that people see and touch every day.

Individual lighting makes each booth in the Fiddler, Fife and Practical Cafe that much more cozy

Who does these things?

Disney, that’s who.

The slim dropping fixtures echo the tall feeling of the high windows

Details? Here’s stuff I never looked at.

Buy your jewelry here.

Geometric shapes abound in the dining area

Look up. You’ll be amazed by what you see.









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